August 28, 2021

Online Reviews are your Guest’s First Impression

If your company is not paying attention to managing and responding to online reviews, it is time to make it a habit to incorporate this into your workforce’s daily work routine, especially if you’re in the industry of Food and Beverage. Online reviews are becoming your restaurant’s first impression and once someone adds comments about their experience on one of these platforms, they are there indefinitely, and are likely to influence those who have not been to your restaurant yet. Good ones are great! Bad ones are not - even down-right damning. These reviews have the power to make or break your success. Don’t believe me? Check out these facts by!
August 20, 2021

Sam Mustafa uses Time-blocking to Increase Productivity

If there is one concept and mindset that all CEO’s share, it is that, “Time is money.” Time is precious and once it’s gone, it is gone forever. Utilizing your time wisely as a business leader is incredibly important. Everyday in this position, CEOs and business leaders are jumping from task to task and responding to endless emails, phone calls and personal obligations; 40 hour weeks quickly become 80 hours weeks in this position. Burnout is inevitable. This is something that I can attest to daily, and I would also like to mention that it never gets any easier! However, understanding, utilizing and managing your time makes a big difference in your overall efficiency and success of your business.
August 6, 2021

Sam Mustafa shares insights on how to lead by example

As the CEO of Charleston Hospitality Group in Charleston, SC, I realized early in my career that no two employees work the same. All employees have their own unique skill set, personality and strengths. As a leader, it is important to bring the best of these traits in your people, while also coaching them to be the best they can be. The process of delegation and finding those responsibilities best suited for your team is not an easy task. Let’s get that straight! Understanding what motivates your employees and how to operate efficiency as a leader is the key to mastering delegation.
August 2, 2021

5 Common Natural Impulses Among New CEOs

I have said it before and I will say it for as long as my experiences tell me otherwise; being an Entrepreneur is a job that requires inexhaustible grit, resilience and dedication. When you open up a company, that company and your employees soon become your everything. You're now the leader and Chief Commander. It’s game time.
July 30, 2021

Sam Mustafa starts new scholarship program

"Much like a puzzle, every idea starts with a dream which you turn into a vision that you fulfill piece by piece. For me, my undergraduate degree led me to casually develop an interest in the food service and hospitality industries," said Mustafa in a statement. "The ‘Sam Mustafa Charleston Scholarship Program’ is a way for me to give back to the community."
July 28, 2021

Sam Mustafa Charleston Hospitality Group featured on Authority Magazine

We all know that the Charleston Hospitality Group produces outstanding restaurants with the highest quality of food in the south. The restaurants include Toast! All Day, Eli’s Table, Queology, Tabbuli, HonkyTonk Saloon, and JK Grill & Bar. From endless menus, to one of a kind cocktails, and live entertainment, there isn’t anything you can’t get at one of Charleston Hospitality Group’s restaurants. What about the brains and creator of it all? That would be Sam Mustafa. Sam is the CEO of Charleston Hospitality Group and has a passion for this industry. Authority Magazine just recently interviewed Sam as part of their series of immigrant success stories where Sam shared his experiences he’s had throughout his life. Check out the story below.
July 27, 2021

6 Ways to Increase Workplace Productivity Now!

Sam Mustafa, CEO of Charleston Hospitality Group shares his thoughts on productivity in the workplace and how to increase efficiency across all employees.Let’s first touch on what productivity is. How do you define productivity?Productivity in the workplace matters. Ask any business leader and they will say that the success and efficiency of their people are directly related to the ROI in their company.When comparing this to being the CEO of Charleston Hospitality Group, the productivity of all my employees is crucial to scaling my business and operating efficiently day-to-day. But what does this mean in terms of real world applications?
July 26, 2021

Sam Mustafa of Charleston Hospitality Group: I Am Living Proof Of The American Dream

Be humble and show gratitude. I have never lost sight of where I came from and I try to use that frame of mind in dealing with the people I encounter everyday, from employees to colleagues. I may be the CEO, but I also sweep floors when the situation calls for it. I have some employees who started with me in 2005 from humble beginnings and are now holding executive level positions. Our Vice President, Christina Tsang, came to us from a temp agency and now she’s my right hand.